Did you Know Honey’s Teeth Benefits on the National False Teeth Day?
National False Teeth Day is observed every year on March 9 to raise awareness about the necessity of dental care. False teeth, also known as dentures, are becoming increasingly popular amongst both the young and the elderly. Many celebrities, including Ben Affleck, Miley Cyrus, George Clooney, Tom Cruise, and Morgan Freeman, have false teeth.
Whether or not you wear dentures, it’s critical to keep your mouth clean, which begins with dental care. The fact that we put off dental check-ups and care until later is most likely the reason for this day. So let’s show some love to the ones that make our smiles brighter.
It’s important to keep your teeth strong and healthy so that you will not be one of the people who need fake teeth. Tooth disease and decay can affect your overall health. Heart disease, infection, pain, decreased concentration and lack of sleep are just some of the ways that the body can be affected.
Our teeth and their condition have almost always been a sign of how we are living our lives. The ability to eat a good diet and have a nice smile need us to have our teeth in good working order.
Missing teeth can also impair speech and make one seem older than they are. Who wants to feel old when they are still young and wanting to conquer the world? Dental health and hygiene at different points in history were a sign of one’s wealth and power in society.
For centuries, honey has been used as a homeopathic method to heal wounds, treat sore throats, and more. But did you know honey is also amazing for your teeth? Certain types of honey have antibacterial properties those clean teeth and break down plaque. Honey is also known to fight oral infections and alleviate the symptoms of gum disease.
As one of nature’s most robust elixirs, honey truly is an all-natural secret weapon for your dental care.
But not all honey is created equal, and for the purposes of this article, we’ll talk solely about Manuka honey, which packs a powerful healing punch in every teaspoon.
Honey is a delicious treat enjoyed all over the world. But does the sweetness come at a cost? Is honey bad for your teeth like processed sugar?
Fortunately for all of us, the answer is no! Honey can be good for you, both in terms of your oral health and beyond.
Here are just a few examples of how consuming honey is beneficial:
- Honey mixed with warm water aids fat digestion.
- Honey has mineral and vitamin benefits, such as Vitamin C, Iron, and Calcium.
- Honey has been shown to improve energy in athletes because it helps maintain blood sugar levels, aids in muscle recovery, and assists insulin regulation.
- Organic honey’s powerful antibacterial and antiseptic properties can help treat gum disease and prevent tooth decay.
Honey Can Be Used to Treat Gum Disease:
Cup with herbal tea and honey and dry herbal tea with honey can help treat gum diseases, including gingivitis, bleeding, and receding gums. 95% of adults have periodontal disease at least once in their lives. If it becomes severe, your teeth will begin moving out of place. The bacteria inhabiting an oral cavity causes inflammation, so the best way to prevent gingivitis is to kick out that bacteria!
When you mix honey with water, an enzyme in honey called glucose oxidase produces hydrogen peroxide. The production of hydrogen peroxide is the primary reason for its antimicrobial activity.
Research from Dr. Peter C. Molan of the University of Waikato in New Zealand showed that certain types of honey help prevent cavities because of their antimicrobial potency. You can even place honey directly on the site of inflammation or infection in the mouth. Honey’s antibacterial properties flush out harmful bacteria.
By fighting the bacteria, honey reduces the amount of acid your mouth produces. Without that acid, bacteria can no longer produce dextran, which is essentially the “glue” that helps bacteria attach to the tooth surface. Bacteria become plaque, which eventually can harden into what leads to gum disease and tooth decay.
It Matters Which Honey You Use:
Fresh, organic honey in bear bottles form a market. The question is honey bad for your teeth isn’t quite a simple yes or no. Before you start buying bottle of honey, know that research warns that all honey is NOT made equal.
The majority of honey sold in the market is processed or refined. Like any processed food, it can contribute to health issues. Therefore, for the most benefit, learn how to distinguish health-saving honey from the potentially health-damaging.
Stay away from honey that says ‘ultra-filtered’:
When honey is ultra-filtered, it is impossible to know the origin of the pollen, making it easier for the manufacturer to tamper with the honey. Honey can be smuggled into the US illegally, preventing consumers from knowing what it contains. There’s no way to tell it isn’t diluted with corn syrup—or much worse. For example, some honey from China has contained illegal antibiotics and traces of heavy metals when tested in a lab.
Know where your honey comes from.
Buying locally usually ensures that your honey is safe because local farmers won’t alter it. Honey that’s put directly into the jar for selling provides the best health benefits because all components are intact. You can also pay more for raw honey from Quebec, which is famously superior honey with incredible health benefits. The FDA has even approved it for use in burn healing.
Now You Know Honey’s Teeth Benefits, But Don’t Stop There!
So, is honey bad for your teeth? Actually, honey’s properties are beneficial to both your body and your dental health. But do your homework before you begin consuming it. Make sure you’re getting the most natural, whole honey that you can, which hasn’t been processed or refined in any way. Your gums and teeth will thank you!
However, you’ll need more than honey to protect your dental health. Luckily, Poombukar offers Quebec mad organic 100% raw honey , so you can maintain your beautiful, healthy smile.
To buy a bottle of honey directly comes from Quebec farm order now on www. poombukar.ca